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    ├─ 降世神通 最后的气宗特别花絮 ->
      ├─ AVATAR.The.Last.Airbender.双字幕对白.doc - 2.42 MB
      ├─ AVATAR.The.Last.Airbender.Ex[Un-Aired.Pilot].Avatar.The.Last.Airbender(No.Commentary).mkv - 249.01 MB
      ├─ AVATAR.The.Last.Airbender.Ex[Chibi.short].Swamp.Skiin'.Throwdown.mkv - 53.44 MB
      ├─ AVATAR.The.Last.Airbender.Ex[Chibi.short].School.Time.Shipping.mkv - 64.84 MB
      ├─ AVATAR.The.Last.Airbender.Ex[Chibi.short].Bending.Battle.mkv - 90.27 MB
      └─ AVATAR.The.Last.Airbender.Ex[Animated.Graphic.Novel].Escape.From.The.Spirt.World.mkv - 255.94 MB
    ├─ 降世神通 最后的气宗 第3季 mp3 ->
    ├─ 降世神通 最后的气宗 第2季 mp3 ->
    ├─ 降世神通 最后的气宗 第1季 mp3 ->
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    ├─ Book 3 - Fire ->
      ├─ Ep. 61 - Sozin's Comet, Part 4 - Avatar Aang-[720p].srt - 7.96 KB
      ├─ Ep. 60 - Sozin's Comet, Part 3 - Into the Inferno-[720p].srt - 10.38 KB
      ├─ Ep. 59 - Sozin's Comet, Part 2 - The Old Masters-[720p].srt - 20.73 KB
      ├─ Ep. 58 - Sozin's Comet, Part 1 - The Phoenix King-[720p].srt - 20.08 KB
      ├─ Ep. 57 - The Ember Island Players-[720p].srt - 23.76 KB
      ├─ Ep. 56 - The Southern Raiders-[720p].srt - 21.3 KB
      ├─ Ep. 55 - The Boiling Rock, Part 2-[720p].srt - 17.1 KB
      └─ Ep. 54 - The Boiling Rock, Part 1-[720p].srt - 20.98 KB
    ├─ Book 2 - Earth ->
      ├─ Ep. 40 - The Crossroads of Destiny-[720p].srt - 15.54 KB
      ├─ Ep. 39 - The Guru-[720p].srt - 18.47 KB
      ├─ Ep. 38 - The Earth King-[720p].srt - 18.1 KB
      ├─ Ep. 37 - Lake Laogai-[720p].srt - 18.85 KB
      ├─ Ep. 36 - Appa's Lost Days-[720p].srt - 9.83 KB
      ├─ Ep. 35 - The Tales of Ba Sing Se-[720p].srt - 13.02 KB
      ├─ Ep. 34 - City of Walls and Secrets-[720p].srt - 20.96 KB
      └─ Ep. 33 - Journey to Ba Sing Se, Part 2 - The Drill-[720p].srt - 14.86 KB
    ├─ Book 1 - Water ->
      ├─ Ep. 20 - The Siege of the North - Part 2-[720p].srt - 15.03 KB
      ├─ Ep. 19 - The Siege of the North - Part 1-[720p].srt - 16.44 KB
      ├─ Ep. 18 - The Waterbending Master-[720p].srt - 22.39 KB
      ├─ Ep. 17 - The Northern Air Temple-[720p].srt - 23.67 KB
      ├─ Ep. 16 - The Deserter-[720p].srt - 23.21 KB
      ├─ Ep. 15 - Bato of the Water Tribe-[720p].srt - 16 KB
      ├─ Ep. 14 - The Fortuneteller-[720p].srt - 21.12 KB
      └─ Ep. 13 - The Blue Spirit-[720p].srt - 12.71 KB
    └─ 降世神通完全版字幕说明.txt - 1.44 KB
  ├─ 设定集 ->
  ├─ 科拉传奇K.Season 2 (2013) ->
    ├─ 科拉传奇.The.Legend.of.Korra.S02E08.中英字幕.WEB-HR.AC3.1024X576.x264-YYeTs人人影视.mkv - 271.15 MB
    ├─ 科拉传奇.The.Legend.of.Korra.S02E07.中英字幕.WEB-HR.AC3.1024X576.x264V2.mkv - 271.43 MB
    ├─ 科拉传奇.The.Legend.of.Korra.S02E06.中英字幕.WEB-HR.AC3.1024X576.x264.mkv - 269.18 MB
    ├─ 科拉传奇.The.Legend.of.Korra.S02E05.中英字幕.WEB-HR.AC3.1024X576.x264.mkv - 270.05 MB
    ├─ 科拉传奇.The.Legend.of.Korra.S02E04.中英字幕.WEB-HR.AC3.1024X576.x264-YYeTs人人影视.mkv - 261.65 MB
    ├─ 科拉传奇.The.Legend.of.Korra.S02E03.中英字幕.WEB-HR.AC3.1024X576.x264-YYeTs人人影视.mkv - 269.86 MB
    ├─ 科拉传奇.The.Legend.of.Korra.S02E02.中英字幕.WEB-HR.AC3.1024X576.x264-YYeTs人人影视.mkv - 268.72 MB
    └─ 科拉传奇.The.Legend.of.Korra.S02E01.中英字幕.WEB-HR.AC3.1024X576.x264-YYeTs人人影视V2.mkv - 271.78 MB
  ├─ 科拉传奇K.Season 1 (2012) ->
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